Recently on social media, I shared that the most frequent topic I get asked about is 'Manifestation'. I have been approached dozens of times to write about this topic by well-known magazines, publications and podcasts and had to decline because they wanted the emphasis to be on money. I cringe a little at the association between manifestation and money. Not because this is truly what people are curious about, but rather because, as a society, we have been trained to think that if we have x, y and z we will find happiness and joy. Because that is the implication: manifestation is material. People are always searching for the next thing to feel complete. I have heard so many women tell me that when they do this thing or when they get that thing, they will finally feel complete and they will ultimately be happy.
When we place our happiness or success towards a single achievement, we are constantly putting ourselves one step behind finding joy because we are not allowing the journey to be the joy. The end result of stating something will make us happy or feel resolved is never the thing that makes us feel fulfilled, resolved or joyous. It is a feeling that is very short-lived. And this is the reason why we find ourselves unable to manifest the things we want. We look, instead, for the silver bullet — we place an incredible amount of attachment on what we desire, on the outcome and in doing this, crush our visions with a needful wanting. When we are constantly searching for something to bring us fulfilment, happiness or joy we will always be one step behind it.
Manifestation in some ways does relate to money, but I truly believe that marketing is at the forefront of this association because we live in a society where we continually glimpse into others' lives without any context or backstory (behind the scenes) leading to unrealistic views and therefore, unrealistic expectations within our own lives.
It is no wonder that money is the biggest selling topic in books, podcasts, courses and services. Money is what we sacrifice our own health, happiness, and families for, often without realising that money is energy. Money is a construct, an honesty-based system that was invented by man and thus, controlled by man. It is not real, it is an idea that we use for exchange and has become the basis of class and status. Money is an honour based system of exchange between one party and another. But we might choose to look at it differently. If we, instead, see money through eyes of love, we may be inclined to choose more conscious ways of exchanging that money. Rather than money having a hold on us in the way of class, status, and never having enough, we move from lack to abundance, thus, changing the perspective and changing the narrative. So yes money is energy and when we place love on that exchange, we change the way we see it and it loses its hold over us.
There is no denying that we need money. Even if you desire to live off-grid and, removing yourself from society and these constructs, you will need money to buy the land you choose to farm and live on, money to buy farming supplies and materials, money to fix things that break over time and money to pay taxes for the land you purchased, money to buy paper and pens. Money is something we can not escape. However, money should not be the goal of why we want to do something or in the case of this Musing, the object of your desires. Because as I mentioned earlier, that is placing your focus on the outcome and trying to control the end result.
When I say that as a woman, running my own small business just exiting its start-up period, money is something I have had to find and pull out of thin air, I am not joking. Money has been the thing that both helped me grow and set me back. It has been the fuel needed to keep going forward and the very thing that has caused me the most stress. When you start your own business and choose to operate under your Pty Ltd (LLC), money will be the daily thing you are trying to manage. You realise very quickly that you have to be very aware about how much is going out and how much is coming in… and in this observation you have to do what feels like the impossible and create a wider buffer in between to offset one or the other. In this way, problem solving becomes a daily or even an hourly task – and I am not exaggerating.
Within my own manifestation of running a start-up and trying to hold onto it in its growth phase, I chose to focus on the things I need to achieve and that has blessed me with the most insane manifestations that have come in the form of money but also as many other things.
There was a time last year when I needed $25k unexpectedly and at a time I had already overextended myself. I could have done the rituals, spells and daily practices that I know, focusing on that figure of $25k but it would not have just happened because I needed it. So instead of taking that route, I wrote down all the things that needed to happen with ease: I wrote down how every invoice that came into my inbox was paid by its due date. I wrote down that I had all the resources that I needed to fulfil my obligations. I wrote down how I wanted to feel having this ease within my days of things flowing in and flowing out. I wrote down the items this money was paying for and how everything arrived on time, undamaged, beautiful and without any hiccups. I wrote down that it was not up to me to know how it all came to fruition or why it all happened but that it already has. I wrote how grateful I am for my work, my days filled with beauty, magick and miracles for myself, my family and my community. It was a perspective oozing with abundance and overflowing with desire.
Truthfully, even as I wrote these things down, I had no idea how it was all going to happen, but I did not think about that. Every time a doubt or fear entered my mind, I would say a little blessing and focus on how smooth my day was - even when it was far from that, even when I could have had a nervous breakdown. I kept trusting, and ideas, in time, in that serenity, in that space of stillness, calm and abundant resolve, would come to me.
The money I needed came to me through many unexpected forms, from being owed a large cheque from the government (I didn't even know I was owed this), to suppliers not invoicing me and placing me on a credit account instead, and the list went on. It came to me in various ways I never could have dreamed of, and that little bit I needed in the end came from sacrificing some of my comforts, tightening up my family expenses and so, it was done.
So you see how focusing on the breakdown of what you want and how that will make you feel without placing the emphasis on the money itself actually hands over the situation to the Divine so that you can get on with your days as if it has already happened?
Clients come to me in my private sessions saying they want love, they want me to help them with spells and rituals to manifest a new loving relationship full of hot sex (happens weekly). So, we begin by removing the end result of this desired life partner and work back from there. And yes, they do meet that person and yes, they do have that hot sex. But not because we performed a love spell, but rather because I guide them on recognising that they are a living spell and love comes in many ways when we know how we want to feel. I see this so often, people wanting something and saying they are doing x, y and z, and it's not happening — because they are trying to control the outcome. They are digging up that seed from its life force and expecting it to keep growing. You have to have faith and let it be.
Manifestation is so misunderstood because we all want more – it is human nature, trust me when I say I get it! We are pleasurable beings and there is an endless amount of things that can bring one pleasure and joy. And there is nothing wrong with wanting more of something. There is a real shaming culture at work lately that condemns anyone who is selling a course, or information to help others, or alternative healing modalities. There is an even more damaging theme preaching that women wanting to work and have a career is repressing the feminine, that it is feeding into patriarchy. Well my love, you can do whatever the fuck you like with your life if it's what brings you joy and you feel passionate about it and are good at doing it. You can welcome all the rewards in the world for it too, because there is always enough, and that is your path. The repeating topic that we do not need to heal, we are perfect as we are is so damaging and toxic and breeds narcissism, self entitlement and abuse. The amount of healing I have done has saved my life, so that if I didn’t need to improve myself, I would be dead and not of this Earth. Am I better off dead and proud and narcissistic then humble, willing and inwardly focused?
We are spiritual beings having a human experience and thus, we have shit we need to work through. We live our lives amongst others every single day and we pick up on others' traits, and language and take on burdens and ickiness every day. Our mind is controlled largely by the unconscious and subconscious mind, which are the parts that form our habits. Thinking that we are fine just as we are is staying in park mode, we have to change gears and we need servicing, we need self-care and certain modalities to clear out the debris and to change our habits. We need to level up to move through things rather than let things happen to us.
Manifestation is the belief of your desires being born - it is the journey and the process of desires blooming, it is the journey and the process of things happening. So if we took the life cycle of a flower and applied it to this buzzword, we would know that when we plant a seed (our desire or intention) and nurture it each day (our belief and visualisation of our desire blooming), we know that digging that seed up to see if it's growing would kill it.
Meditate on your breath and connect with the beauty in nature - shifting our desires from an obsessive and controlled approach, to one that is in alignment with our true self. Let us allow our destiny in every breath we take. Let it be something magickal, whimsical, and agreeable rather than grind, hardship and unpleasant. With all the stuff the world has us stressed about, let’s not let our desires, our heart’s longings, our personal resolutions be another thing we add to that list. Let’s keep them sacred and let them pour forth with ease and grace from the Divine, from ourselves.
Brooke x
Glad to hear you are feeling better darling.
Thank you for this reminder! It is so easy to focus on the money needed rather than the joy gained by the accomplishments of the journey. I am constantly trying to remind myself to enjoy the season I am in.
Beautiful sunny day here in Sydney today. I am lucky to live by the ocean. I am going to go outside and sit at the foot of the Sea, read your musings again and write down the journey ahead of me rather than the destination.
Blessings to everyone to focus on their yellow brick road today 💛