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Libra season is the season that I feel most in tune with myself. The arrival of Libra season marks my birthday and so it often is that this time of year feels akin to a New Year. It is a time which offers me much reflection and pondering about the year it has been and the changes I’ve experienced, the lessons I have learned, the skills that I have acquired, the moments that I have cherished, the experiences in which I have been humbled…

It marks both an ending and a beginning.

But through all these thoughts that inevitably flood my mind, I am reminded to connect to the elements, to the stars, to what it means to be born under a Libra Sun and all the other astrological and esoteric goodness that contributes to the way in which I experience and view the world. I am reminded of all the facets and traits that correlate to the archetypes I embody. It's an exploration of how astrology, the Earth, and the cosmos shape my identity and guide my journey.

As Libra Season has just begun, my aim is to showcase how we can allow the signs and the archetypes to support us, rather than work against us. Oftentimes our focus is on the negative qualities of a sign or on words that we tend to misunderstand or that people have impressed upon us. In this way, I want to show you how I use the aspects of a sign to empower and guide my ways.

As a Libra, I'm attuned to the element of air. It's the invisible force that fills my lungs and stirs my thoughts. During this season, I consciously embrace the air element by seeking open spaces, practising mindful breathing, and allowing the winds of change to refresh my perspective. Air whispers the importance of mental clarity and the power of communication, encouraging me to express my thoughts with grace and authenticity.

Being a cardinal sign, Libra embodies the qualities of initiative and leadership. This Libra season, I delve into the concept of balance, a cardinal virtue for both my zodiac sign and life itself. I find equilibrium not in perfection but in the recognition of life's fluctuations. I seek harmony within myself and my surroundings, striving to create a sense of balance that suits my unique journey.

Libra's deep connection to aesthetics and beauty resonates profoundly with me. It's an opportunity to celebrate the visual pleasures that enrich my life. Whether it's arranging fresh flowers, curating my living space, or selecting outfits that make me feel confident, I infuse aesthetics into my daily rituals. I understand that beauty isn't superficial; it's a reflection of my unique expression, the expression of my soul.

One of Libra's defining qualities is its emphasis on relationships. This season, I dive into the intricate dance of connection, fostering meaningful bonds and nurturing existing ones. This journey began by taking myself out of my comfort zone and joining a new book club, where I had the pleasure of meeting women I'd never crossed paths with before. And just this past Saturday, I decided to have a family portrait taken—my husband, three lively girls, and me—all together, capturing a physical representation of our closeness and the beautiful relationships that bind us. These experiences encourage me to communicate openly, to strive for understanding, and to embrace compromise when needed. They serve as a potent reminder that relationships aren't merely about giving or taking but finding that delicate equilibrium of reciprocity and shared growth.

Libra encourages me to recognise the interconnectedness of all things. It's a time to appreciate the threads that weave through my life, connecting me to people, places, and experiences. Over the years, my connections with people from various corners of the world have warmed my heart and broadened my perspective. This realisation has led me to understand that I don't need to confine myself to a single place in pursuit of personal growth and fulfilment. Instead, I choose to view the world as a boundless oyster, becoming a global citizen who finds joy in experiencing different places. This newfound perspective has guided me towards moments of serenity, where I can feel the resonance of the universe within and around me. Through this, I wholeheartedly embrace the power of interconnectedness and the profound beauty of unity.

In this personal exploration of Libra season's gifts, I invite you to embark on your own journey of self-discovery. Consider the archetypal qualities that resonate with you and find ways to infuse them into your life. It's about making astrology, the elements, and the cosmos work for you, guiding your path with intention and authenticity.

This exploration of how we can harness the wisdom of different archetypes and the natural world to enhance our lives. It's an invitation to transcend the archetypal influences that often shape us without our conscious awareness. Instead, we can actively engage with these energies, understanding how they can empower us to lead with beauty and grace.

"It's not about letting astrology or any other framework and theory define us but allowing it to inspire us, to bring out the best in us, and to lead us towards a life that resonates with our true essence."

By diving deep into the elements, connecting with cardinal virtues, appreciating aesthetics, nurturing relationships, and embracing the profound interconnectedness of existence, we can create a harmonious dance with the universe. It's not about letting astrology or any other framework and theory define us but allowing it to inspire us, to bring out the best in us, and to lead us towards a life that resonates with our true essence. It is to bring all parts of yourself to the forefront with confidence.

As we journey through Libra season together, let's explore the magick of these archetypal energies and discover how they can be our allies in crafting a life that's as beautiful as it is authentic.

As we journey through the season of beauty and elegance, I extend my hand to you, inviting you to share your own experiences, insights, and the unique ways in which you navigate this season of balance and beauty. I cherish the opportunity to hear your stories and perspectives, for it is in our collective wisdom that we truly understand the multifaceted nature of the universe. So, let's continue to dance with the stars, celebrate the interconnectedness of all things, and embrace the beauty within and around us. Engage with me, beautiful community, and together, let's weave a tapestry of shared wisdom and mutual growth.

So much love,

Brooke x


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