
Some of you may have noticed that in the last few months I have been hinting at a new collection. It is a collection that I plan to expand on over time but when the idea initially came to me, I became so excited as this was truly the missing piece toward my coherent vision for The Ritual as a whole. I feel that when this idea came to me, the image in the puzzle began taking form and I could see more clearly than ever what The Ritual was to encompass. This upcoming collection, Psalms of the Goddess, is a reminder to myself of the infinite possibilities within the goddesses that reside within us and the power we can harness from their infinite Source. It is a return to the Goddess and I am more excited than ever to bring this collection to life.
The idea for Psalms of the Goddess was initially sparked by a series of workshops some of you attended last year, called the Goddess Series. It was after teaching these workshops that I was inspired to create formulations and blends that support our connection with specific Goddesses. There have been setbacks along the way (financial, timing, production…) and I have had to sit on the idea for a while, making me that much more excited and impatient to get the project moving. But I persevered and made the most of this extra time to refine and get clear on the goal – that is the blessing one receives from trusting the process and with that, I am so excited to tell you, my beautiful community, some exclusive information before the Psalms of the Goddess collection is launched.
Archetypes serve as a reflection of the Selves within us. And they hold the vision of the possibilities that are afforded to us in the unfolding of our lives.
Psalms of the Goddess is a deepening of the connection to the etheric realms where Goddess, Gods and Deities reside. Each Psalm (think beautiful melody or frequency) is a silver thread that offers support, guidance, wisdom as you journey with each archetype at different points in your life.
Archetypes serve as a reflection of the Selves within us. And they hold the vision of the possibilities that are afforded to us in the unfolding of our lives. Delving into the realm of archetypes is not just a personal passion of mine, but it’s also intricately woven into my studies in Psychotherapy. The concept of archetypes resonates across various philosophies and cultural frameworks. Consider astrology, for instance—it presents each zodiac sign as a distinct archetype, offering us avenues to delve into and utilise for a deeper self-understanding. If I were to provide a succinct definition of an archetype, it would be a mental representation we hold towards certain concepts. Archetypes serve as embodiments of specific energies, allowing us to engage with and connect to them across various facets of our lives. They represent patterns of collective energy that we can explore and engage with. The beauty lies in how archetypes can be harnessed to facilitate personal growth and a richer comprehension of our existence.
The three Goddesses that I chose to begin this launch with are: Aphrodite, Hekate, and Saraswati. I am not going to lie and say this was an easy choice. There are so many wonderful Goddesses that I work with but these three encompass the pillars on which The Ritual has been built upon and so it made sense for them to introduce the Collection.
As we approach the upcoming launch in a few weeks, I'm delighted to share a glimpse into my thought process and creative journey behind this new collection. It is my desire to share with you, my beautiful Behind the Veil community, a more intimate look behind the scenes, my personal journey with these Goddesses and how I create something new from my own personal experiences.
As many of you know, Venus is the Roman Goddess of love, sex, beauty, and fertility and the Goddess that I am always talking about. Since the very beginning of The Ritual (and long before) I began intentionally practising Day of Venus. It was connecting with this energy and essence that supported me to connect to my body through the lenses of love and beauty. It was what helped me heal my relationship to myself.
Venus and Aphrodite, revered figures in both Roman and Greek mythology respectively, exude the essence of love, beauty, and desire. In Roman mythology, Venus is the goddess of love, beauty, and fertility, representing the embodiment of sensual pleasures and harmonious relationships. Her Greek counterpart, Aphrodite, shares similar attributes and was born from the sea foam, an image that evokes the enchanting power of nature’s allure. Both goddesses have left an indelible mark on art, literature, and human imagination throughout history, symbolising the intricate interplay between passion, beauty, and the intricacies of human connection.
So are Venus and Aphrodite the same thing?
Yes, Venus and Aphrodite are essentially the same mythological figure but in different cultural contexts. Venus is the Roman goddess of love, beauty, and fertility, while Aphrodite is her Greek counterpart with similar attributes. The two goddesses share a common origin in ancient mythology and represent similar concepts and qualities. The main difference lies in the cultures that worshipped them – the Romans honoured Venus, while the Greeks revered Aphrodite. And as I mentioned, their presence, stories, attributes, and symbolism are legendary and have influenced various aspects of art, literature, and human understanding of love and beauty throughout history.
I continue to incorporate Day of Venus in my weeks (and days) and it looks a little bit different each time. In fact I would say that it is more interwoven into my everyday life and not just exclusive to Fridays of each week or when there is hype around the planet Venus being direct or retrograde. The Goddess Aphrodite who is the archetype associated with Venus (which I will dive deeper into over the coming weeks) is always walking with me in my heart and my mind reminding me to put myself first, to show my daughters how important it is to love myself, honour myself and do things that bring me joy. We never use terms like “guilty pleasure’ as there is no guilt in feeling good – it’s a birthright!
Guided by the resonance of Aphrodite's influence, I'm able to greet life's pathways with a sense of expectancy, as I anticipate the same generosity and lavishness that her energy represents; I walk with grace in my stride and see the beauty within me and others around me.
Engaging with the essence and archetype of Venus, or her Greek mythological counterpart Aphrodite, signifies a profound commitment to self-care and the embrace of the invaluable insights she imparts in nurturing the physical self. In dedicating time to honour my body and engaging in rituals that replenish my spirit, I've not only revitalised my own well-being but also found myself brimming with a surplus of energy and love to extend to others, whether it’s within the confines of my family or within the broader scope of my community. And so she is, and always will be, a main presence in my life, a goddess that I continually call on and look to for guidance and inspiration.
When I engage with Aphrodite's energy, I'm granted a powerful reminder of the inherent abundance that the universe holds in store for us. This awareness draws me to tap into an infinite wellspring of opportunities, mirroring the lavishness of existence itself. Guided by the resonance of Aphrodite's influence, I'm able to greet life's pathways with a sense of expectancy, as I anticipate the same generosity and lavishness that her energy represents; I walk with grace in my stride and see the beauty within me and others around me. Through this symbiotic relationship, this delighting and sense of an almost mysterious exquisiteness, I am awakened to the countless bounties life has to offer and empowered to radiate that same generosity to those around me. It radiates and touches everything I do and create when I am thinking of her and her essence.
I am excited to share this new launch with you and cannot wait to dive into each Goddess and share more about archetypes in The Mystery Teachings and the upcoming musings. I hope you enjoyed reading a little about my creative process and source of inspiration. It is my sincere hope that this account inspires and emboldens you to weave the Day of Venus into the fabric of your own existence. Enveloping yourself in intentional communion with a goddess can unveil a world of enchantment, stimulating your senses and guiding you toward crafting personalised ritualistic experiences. This is the very essence of The Ritual and the purpose of all that I create and seek to share with you. The Ritual is beauty and wellness ritual designed to nurture reverence and healing from within for elevated moments of connection and grace.
So much love,
Brooke x